Session notifications
Creating a session with a notification URL
You can optionally configure a notification (webhook) URL to receive QoD session updates. This way, you or your client can be notified of important session events, such as creation, deletion, etc.
import network_as_code as nac
from network_as_code.models.device import Device, DeviceIpv4Addr
# Begin by creating a client for Network as Code:
client = nac.NetworkAsCodeClient(
# Then, create a device object.
# Remember to assign its Device ID and current IP address(es):
my_device = client.devices.get(
ipv4_address = DeviceIpv4Addr(
ipv6_address = "2001:db8:1234:5678:9abc:def0:fedc:ba98",
# The phone number accepts the "+" sign, but not spaces or "()" marks
phone_number = "36721601234567"
# Create a QoD session with QOS_L (large bandwidth)
# and get notifications
my_session = my_device.create_qod_session(
# Use HTTPS to send notifications
# Show a list of all the QoD sessions associated with a device
Setting up a web server
The code snippet below will set up an HTTP server with a POST endpoint, so you can get session-event updates:
import time
from fastapi import FastAPI, Header
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from typing import Union
# Our web server for receiving QoD notifications
app = FastAPI()
class EventDetail(BaseModel):
sessionId: str
qosStatus: str
statusInfo: str
class Event(BaseModel):
eventType: str
eventTime: str
eventDetail: EventDetail
class Notification(BaseModel):
id: str
source: str
type: str
specversion: str
datacontenttype: str
time: str
event: Event
data: EventDetail"/qod")
def receive_notification(
notification: Notification,
authorization: Annotated[Union[str, None], Header]
if authorization == "Bearer my-token":
# We can now react to the notifications
# based on the Notification object
Device object parameters
The snippet above identified a mobile network device in multiple ways (IP addresses, port, etc).
Learn how to create a device object
and understand how the DeviceIPv4Addr
model works using NAT technology.
Session notification parameters
The Session
object is created with a specific duration,
representing a new session for the device.
The following parameters can be passed to this method:
Parameters | Description |
profile | The QoS profile that indicates the connection type to be prioritized between two points. |
service_ipv4 | The service identified by the application IPv4 address (optional). |
service_ipv6 | The service identified by the application IPv6 address (optional). |
notification_url | The recipient's HTTP endpoint, which is a web server configured to receive POST requests. |
notification_auth_token | The password used to identify the sender of the notification. |
What is a notification URL?
Learn more about the notification URL/auth token and how to create a web server for them.
Last updated on May 21, 2024